General terms and conditions
1. Definitions
In addition to the provisions in the General Terms and Conditions of Parking Centrum ODE, the provisions included in these apply at the time of Reserved Parking.
Parking Center Oosterdok
Reserved Parking
The parking products of Parking Centrum Oosterdok that can be reserved via the Internet.
Motor vehicle
Motor vehicle as defined in the Road Traffic Act 1994.
Parking facility
Parking lot or garage/basement with associated spaces and areas which is intended for the parking of motor vehicles.
The owner, registered owner, user or occupant of a Motor Vehicle who wishes to bring or has brought that vehicle into or onto the Parking Facility.
Parking ticket
Parking card, parking subscription, or any means designated by the Operator that can be used to gain access to the Parking Facility.
Parking fee
The amount owed by the Park User for the use of the Parking Facility
Parking period
The period during which the Motor Vehicle is actually parked in/on the Parking Facility, being the period between the start date (including this date) and the actual end date (including this date) of the parking, which is determined on the basis of the time of entry and exit registered by the PMS.
PMS (Parking Management System)
System consisting of hardware and software used for access control, payment transactions, exit control and provision of management information relating to the parking facility.
Reservation period:
The period specified in advance by the Park User in his Reserved Parking booking during which the Motor Vehicle is parked by the Park User, being the period between the specified start and end dates (dates included).
The website operated by the operator on the internet, with the address
2. Special provisions for Reserved Parking
1. The parking facility
- The Park User can reserve a parking space on a specific site of the Operator by placing a Reserved Parking booking via the Website, in which the exact Reservation Period must be indicated.
- The Reserved Parking booking exclusively entitles you to park the Motor Vehicle in/on the Parking Facility belonging to the relevant parking product, as specified on the Website. The Reserved Parking booking expressly does not entitle you to park in/on other Parking Facilities.
- The Operator reserves the right, for reasons of its own, to refer Parkers who have made a reservation for a specific site to one of the other Parking Facilities.
2. Reservation, change, cancellation
- The Park User can only book Reserved Parking by completing the booking form for the desired parking product via the Website.
- The booking terms as communicated on the Website apply to Reserved Parking.
- The Reserved Parking booking is subject to the availability of the number of parking spaces allocated for the relevant Reserved Parking product. If the parking spaces are not (anymore) available, the Operator will not accept the booking and will inform the Park User of this as soon as possible.
- The Park User must state the start date and end date of the Reservation Period in the booking form. If the Park User has made his choice, a full statement of this will be shown, accompanied by a statement of the Parking Fee due. The Park User will then be asked whether he wants to go to the electronic payment facility to pay the Parking Fee due. If the Park User then clicks on the 2 button that finalises the payment, the Parking Agreement for the relevant Reserved Parking product with the Operator will be concluded, and the Park User will be bound to the Operator by the reservation made by him.
- After finalizing the reservation or booking, the Operator will confirm this by means of an e-mail message to the e-mail address provided by the Park User. The confirmation serves as proof of the existence and content of the Parking Agreement(s).
- The Park User can change or cancel his/her reservation at any time via the link in the confirmation email. For changing or cancelling a reservation for Reserved Parking, a term of no later than 24 hours before the start date of the Reservation Period applies.
- In the event of cancellation of a Reserved Parking booking in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 2.6, the Park User will receive a voucher for the value of the Parking Fee due or, upon request, the Parking Fee due, minus €2.50 administration costs, will be refunded to his/her credit card/payment account.
- In the event of cancellation or modification of a Reserved Parking booking in violation of the conditions set out in Article 2.6, no refund of the Parking Fee due will take place.
- Reservations made via third party websites CANNOT be cancelled or changed. Articles 2.6 to 2.8 therefore do not apply to these reservations. In case of cancellation or change of reservations made via third party websites, NO refund of already paid Parking Fees will take place.
- It is not permitted to make a Reserved Parking booking for commercial purposes. A Reserved Parking booking is not transferable for commercial purposes.
3. Parking fee and payment
- The Park User can pay the Parking Fee due for the Reserved Parking booking by paying with a valid credit card or via iDeal/Bancontact/Paypal/SEPA/WechatPay via the electronic payment facility on the Website. Approving the payment in that electronic payment facility constitutes an express declaration of consent by the Park User to have the Parking Fee due debited from his credit card or bank account.
- If payment by credit card or via iDeal/Bancontact/Paypal/SEPA/WechatPay is refused by the electronic payment facility, the booking will not be made. The Park User will be informed of this either immediately upon booking or shortly thereafter.
- The Operator will mention an interim change of the rates on the Website. An interim change that falls in the period after the Park User has finalized the booking and before the start date of the Reservation Period, will not affect the parking costs of the booking.
4. Parking
- It is possible to enter/drive into the Parking Facility on an earlier or later date/time than the start date of the Reservation Period, as well as to leave the Parking Facility on an earlier or later date/time than the end date of the Reservation Period, under the following conditions:
- Drive in/up earlier: If the parker who has made a Reserved Parking booking enters/drives onto the Parking Facility on an earlier date/time than the start date/time of the Reservation Period, he will pay an additional amount equal to the full then applicable regular parking rate for the period up to the start of the Reservation Period. The amount charged for exceeding the Reservation Period must be paid separately by the Parker.
- Drive in/up later: If the Park User who has made a Reserved Parking booking enters/drives onto the Parking Facility at a later date/time than the start date/time of the Reservation Period, this will not affect the end date/time of the Reservation Period: the end date/time will remain unchanged. Furthermore, the Park User is not entitled to a refund of any part of the paid Parking Fees.
- Leave earlier: If the Park User who has made a Reserved Parking booking leaves the Parking Facility with his Motor Vehicle on an earlier date/time than the end date/time of the Reservation Period, the Parking Period will end on the date/time on which the Park User actually leaves the Parking Facility with his Motor Vehicle. It is therefore not possible to drive in and out during the Parking Period: the Parking Period ends automatically the first time the Park User leaves the Parking Facility. The Park User is not entitled to a refund of any part of the Parking Fees paid.
- Drive out later: If the Park User who has made a Reserved Parking booking leaves the Parking Facility at a later date/time than the end date/time of the Reservation Period, he will be charged an additional amount for the time by which he exceeds the Reservation Period. The amount charged for the excess is equal to the then applicable parking rate for the relevant site and must be paid separately by the Park User.
- Enter earlier and exit later: If the Park User who has made a Reserved Parking booking enters/onto the Parking Facility on an earlier date/time than the start date/time of the Reservation Period and also leaves the Parking Facility after the end date/time of the Reservation Period, the above articles 4.1a and 4.1d apply. Both additional periods must be paid for by the Park User in the manner described in article 4.1.
5. Personal data
- In order to execute the Reserved Parking booking, the Operator processes the following personal data of the Park User: The personal data entered by the Park User on the personal data page on the Website: name and address details, email address, period, payment details such as credit card number. The retention period for this data is set at 7 years after the booking. This data is processed via an external party, with whom we have concluded a processing agreement and who adheres to our method of processing personal data.
- The Operator processes the data referred to in sub 1 of this article in the context of processing the Reserved Parking booking, including payment and customer service.
- If the Park User objects to the collection of personal data by the Operator, he can let us know by sending an e-mail to If the Park User wants to change or delete his data from the Operator’s files, he can also use this e-mail address, then we will change or delete it ourselves if it concerns the data mentioned in article 5.5.
- The Park User can store his personal data in a database by registering as a new customer when making the reservation on the Website, so that his data does not have to be re-entered for subsequent bookings.
- The Park User can change or delete the stored personal data at any time via a special login module under the ‘manage my reservation’ option on the Website.
- The Operator has outsourced the processing of credit card transactions of Park Users to Ogone B.V. The personal data of Park Users that are required for processing the credit card transactions can therefore be made available to Ogone B.V. by the Operator. Ogone B.V. will process this data in its capacity as processor on behalf of the Operator, exclusively for processing the credit card transactions. Ogone B.V. will not provide this data to third parties, other than the financial institutions for the chosen payment method. The name of Ogone B.V. may be stated on the Park User’s account or credit card statement in connection with the foregoing.
6. Personal promotional codes
- The Operator may provide users of Reserved Parking with promotional codes. The use of promotional codes is strictly personal and is only permitted for the purpose for which they were issued, namely obtaining a one-off discount for a Reserved Parking booking. In the event of misuse of promotional codes, the discount given may be reclaimed by the Operator.